洛杉磯搖滾樂隊The Meeting Places有著加州1980年代Rain Parade以後Painsley Underground的民謠搖滾氣質,更召喚了Slowdive、My Bloody Valentine與Ride等1990年代初期英國新迷幻。吉他聲響綿延起伏,白色噪音凝結匯聚,相較於shoegazing的夢遊囈語,The Meeting Places旋律與歌詞編寫更為清晰可辨,瀑布傾瀉而下的吉他音牆裡,主唱Chase Harris歌聲令人陶醉,唱著愛情裡的甜蜜與悲哀,心中那永難驅離的孤寂與失落。
"On Our Own"抒情流暢而悅耳,仍感到一種切切實實的冰冷與灼痛感,如果要將天真、沮喪、甜蜜、壓抑、幻想與絕望譜成音符,有誰能比新迷幻樂手更能表現出那種難以言明的迷離與枉然。
When we're on our own
No time to go home
You say the simple things
A smile it always brings
And I see you, as you want me to
As you want me to…
That's how I see you
When we're on our way
No thoughts for today
You look toward the sky
Dreaming you could fly
And you see me, as I want to be
As I want to be…
That's how you see me