Carissa's Wierd於1995年組成,當時,Matt Brooke和Jenn Ghetto從亞利桑納搬到西雅圖,低調而哀愁的歌聲,佐以精巧的器樂演奏,成員還包括Ben Bridwell、Sarah Standard和Sera Cahoun等,不拘泥於單一風格,在不經意或是刻意拼錯字詞之間,找尋不期而遇的詩意。隨後鋼琴手Jeff Hellis和一整隊的敲擊樂器與小提琴部份加入,將原本空間感十足的獨立搖滾風格,更實至名歸精鍊到室內樂層次,體現了chamber pop的精髓。2001年「You Should Be at Home Here」和2002年「Songs About Leaving」在美國西北部搖滾/民謠圈獲得迴響,名聲鵠起之際卻於2003年解散,2004年Sad Robots Records重發了兩張專輯。
這首"Sympathy Bush"歌聲平緩懇切,吉他撥弦清脆悅耳,旋律與弦樂配置醞釀著深刻的情感。Carissa's Wierd越往後期,風格漸傾向緩飆搖滾與夢幻民謠,弦樂、鋼琴吉他更為精巧,在九0年代中期"後grunge時代"傾向於靜謐自省民謠風格的西雅圖獨立音樂圈,Carissa's Wierd可說是Death Cab For Cutie的先聲。
in the daylight
every voice now
when you finally say "it's over"
in the spotlight
every error
everything you own was stolen
every last thought kept in silence
every time you breathe, you're older
now, in your eyes, i feel this cold
(tears you farther away)
in your eyes, i feel this cold
(it turns me over on you)
in your eyes, I feel this cold
(and it's gonna last)
forever now
in your eyes
you should be hiding now
you should be hiding now
forever now